Biale HELP Canadian Yogurt+D3 is a harmonious combination of probiotics and vitamin D

Vitamin D is an extremely important nutrient for the health of our body, the daily intake of which cannot be obtained only from the sun and food.

Vitamin D is involved in many biological processes including regulation of serum calcium, phosphate and magnesium levels, strengthening the immune system, ensuring the normal development of bones and muscle work, disease prevention (osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer).

According to a study*, more than 80% of the population of Ukraine has a vitamin D deficiency, which may manifest itself by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, especially in the muscles and bones, frequent colds and long recovery, depressed mood, sleep disorders.

People with chronic gastrointestinal conditions, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, people with hyperpigmentation, obesity and those who do not spend enough time in the sun are most prone to vitamin D deficiency and the appearance of such symptoms.

To eliminate the vitamin D deficiency, it is necessary:

  • to add vitamin D-rich food;
  • to get some sun exposure while being in the fresh air;
  • to take vitamin D supplements.

For this reason, the pharmaceutical company Astrapharm produces a dietary supplement with vitamin D – Biale HELP Canadian yogurt+D3.

The harmonious combination of probiotic microorganisms and an optimal dose of vitamin D3 (2000 IU) restores the balance of normal intestinal microflora, has a negative effect on pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, strengthens the mucosal barrier of the intestine and increases local immunity.

Biale HELP Canadian Yogurt+D3 is available in the form of gelatin capsules №30 and it is recommended for use by adults and children over 7 years of age.

The dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a complete diet.

Astrapharm – the art of helping people!

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